North Carolinians love the outdoors. Visitation to NC State Parks increased to 22,800,000
in 2021 – 3,000,000 more than in 2020. Visitation to state forests, game lands, trails and
local parks continues to increase.
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition greatly appreciates the strong support of the General
Assembly and Governor for our Conservation Trust Funds and looks forward to working
with them in 2023 to build upon our success. Land for Tomorrow recommends the
following to the 2023 General Assembly.
NC Land and Water Fund
Increase recurring funds to:
- $30,000,000 recurring
- $20,000,000 in non-recurring funds in FY 23-24
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition strongly supports continuing NC Land and Water Fund’s
flood risk reduction grant program.
- $15,000,000 to continue NCLWF’s flood risk reduction program
Parks and Recreation Trust Fund
- $30,000,000 recurring
- $20,000,000 in non-recurring funds in FY 23-24
Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund
- $15,000,000 recurring as recommended by Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler
Great Trails State Funding
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports the Great Trails State Coalition’s request for
appropriations to establish the Great Trails State Fund.
Dedicated Funding and Conservation Tax Credit
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports restoring dedicated funding from state deed
excise stamp tax revenues to the Land & Water Fund and Parks & Recreation Trust Fund
and restoring the 25% conservation income tax credit.
Stewardship of State Lands, Facilities & Funds
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition strongly supports requests by the Department of
Natural & Cultural Resources, NC Wildlife Resources Commission and Department of
Agriculture for staff to manage the conservation trust funds and to manage new state
parks, historic sites, game lands and state forests.