
Resilience Corps NC

Resilience Corps NC works alongside communities to address climate and conservation challenges through service.

Conservation Trust for North Carolina offers Resilience Corps NC, a national service program of AmeriCorps, designed to support capacity building for resilience, environmental education, and stewardship and outreach that builds bridges between conservation organizations and the local communities they seek to serve.

Meet our members currently serving in the field!

Through Resilience Corps NC, CTNC partners with host sites in North Carolina to address issues related to environmental education, disaster services, climate resilience, and race equity in their community. The program supports rising conservation leaders through real-world, hands-on experience, professional development, networking, community engagement, and volunteerism. Understanding that a welcoming, inclusive workspace is critical to member success during service, host site partners participate in ongoing racial equity training to ensure they are prepared to support members with a variety of lived experiences.

Resilience Corps NC is managed by Conservation Trust for North Carolina and supported by a grant from the North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service. We offer AmeriCorps service members a living stipend ($31,000), healthcare premium reimbursement, child care assistance, SNAP eligibility, and monthly professional development opportunities. Participants who complete the program receive an education award of $7,395.

Interested in serving your community? Apply today!

Program goals:

Make environmental education more accessible to racially and socioeconomically diverse audiences

Provide experience for future leaders seeking conservation careers

Build bridges between conservation groups and the communities they serve

Connect more North Carolinians to the outdoors through environmental education

Where Are Our Members Serving Now?

Members on NC map

Who are the members serving now?

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Over the past decade, CTNC's Resilience Corps NC service program participants have connected tens of thousands of North Carolinians with conservation and resilience benefits. Explore what they have been able to accomplish. 

Are you ready to join us?

We're hiring! Click the button below to see service opportunities available in your community.